DT-1000 Dual tanks
DT-1000 Dual tanks
DT -1000 is a Dual tank that one tank is built inside the exterior tank. These tanks are designed so that customer that is using a washer with wash and rinsing functions. The internal tank holds the rinsing fluids and the external tank holds the washing fluids.
Each tank is designed with a heavier wall thickness that industry standards for the same size. the dual tank is V-bottom designed so that the heavier materials drop down to the bottom of the tank for easier removal of solids. The rinse tank is slotted at the top of the tank so that when new or recycled solvents are loaded in that once full it overflows into the wash side of the tank.
The size 1000 USG is for total holding volume. It is a 75% to 25% totals. Wash side holds 75% of the total liquids and rinse tank holds 25% of the total volume of liquids.
The tanks are customized to customer’s needs. Extra ports can be added to top side or bottom section based on customer’s needs.
Standard features:
- Vent port on top. (1)
- Fill port on top (wash side). (1)
- Radar port on top (wash side). (1)
- Fixed sensor port on top (wash/rinse side). (1)
- Radar port on top (Rinse side). (1)
- Fill port on top (Rinse side). (1)
- Return port on (wash side). (1)
- V-bottom discharge port (Center bottom). (1)
- V-bottom suction washer port. (2)
- Rinse lower section drain port (2)
- Radar tank sensors
- Fixed sensors
- Manual shut off valves
- Automatic actuated valves (Pneumatic fail closed actuated)
- Additional ports added.