Pail washer 100 is set up to do multiple parts from small gars through 5-gallon pails. They are designed that losses parts can be put in so that ink pots, paint pails, oil pails and other similar size parts can be washed with solvents or with water washing.

The rollout cage allows for all types of parts the be washed. The unit comes with oscillating arms that are under the rack and top spray arms to get the parts from top and bottom of the parts and pails.

The PLC controlled washer has adjustable timers for how long you wash, rinse, exhaust or other options that can be added to unit. The washer comes with low level sensor to monitor the discharge pump and a high-level sensor to ensure that washer dose not over fill. The PW-100 washer has HMI screen that shows the process as its happening. The items that are activated will be in green and if not activated it shows red. The washer is built for safety from the ground up. SRS

Designed equipment builds the washer in 340 Stainless steel for none sparking, the side sleeves are Teflon so the cage will not rub against the each other. Air pressure switch is added to make sure there is enough air pressure to either purge the electrical panel if in hazardous location and fail closed actuated valves have enough air pressure to open. Actuated fail closed valves are installed to make sure that if air pressure is lost or electrical power is lost the valves automatically close. Door safety sensor ensures that the washer can not operate unless door in in closed position.

The wash pump moves flows from 20 GPM to 60 GPM at 120 PSI depending on customers needs. The oscillating arms move back and forth under pneumatic cylinders pressure. The High impacting nozzles clean interior and exterior washing.

Rugged build- Washer is built with 304 stainless heavy wall construction. Process piping SCH 40 piping with flanged connections. High quality pumps and valves.

Electrical build- Each washer is PLC controlled platform with HMI color tough screen. The front panel has start/stop push button for operator to operate the unit. removes them from touching HMI screen.

Standard features on unit:

  1. 304 Stainless steel washer shell. 304 Stainless steel process piping (flanged).
  2. Wash pump and motor (TEFC).
  3. Discharger pump and motor (TEFC).
  4. Door safety sensor.
  5. Air pressure safety sensor.
  6. PI-66 Electrical panel.
  7. Color touch screen (HMI)
  8. Controlled processor. (PLC)
  9. Low level sensor.
  10. High level sensor.
  11. Ethernet connection.
  12. Electrical laptop plug (1 AMP)
  13. E-stop on front panel.

Options that can be added:

  1. Hazardous location electrical upgrade.
  2. Exhaust system to remove vapors.
  3. Rinse pump and nozzles upgrade.
  4. Pneumatic door lock system.
  5. (N2) Washer injection system.
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